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The most common definition of Invasive Alien Species, or IAS, is the following: Alien species are animal or plant species that are "non-native" (not in their natural habitat) to a territory and that threaten ecosystems with negative ecological, economic and health consequences.
We must not forget that IAS are the fourth (in some islands, even the first) cause of biodiversity loss in the world after habitat loss, overexploitation and pollution. IAS cause damage to our environment, our health and our safety. Therefore, actions against invasive alien species protect biodiversity, but ultimately also protect human well-being. This is a vital challenge for humanity.
The main ecological danger that everyone knows, is the destruction of the resources of native species by IAS, which can even go as far as feeding from them.
But what are the reasons for the emergence and proliferation of these species? How can entire countries be submerged by IAS? The cause: The intensification of international trade, especially by air and sea. With the development of e-commerce, the circulation of IAS has become difficult to follow. We know that once a species is established, it is often too late to eradicate it. It is usually necessary to manage the negative impacts. Therefore, it is urgent to become aware of their existence and to act as soon as possible.
Means of verification and analysis must be put in place to prevent the introduction of these species.
First of all, we need to educate and disseminate information to be able to monitor the evolution of these species more easily.